Search for your new domain

Easily and quickly

Our system allows you to search for a word or combination of words to find that perfect open domain

No more constantly clicking search on domain registers.

No more paying domain squatters resellers.

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Regardless if you are going to use the free or paid services you need to have an account with a verified email address


Premium Services

If you are going to use the paid Premium services you need to purchase searches

Click here to learn the difference between free and Premium

Click here to learn what each Premium purchase gets you


Start a new search

Enter the word or words you want to find a new domain for


Pick the TLDs you want

Free can only search .com.

Premium has a number of other TLDs to choose from.


Customize prefixes/suffixes

With or without adult prefixes/suffixes come with both free and Premium


Get your results

Shows you all the possible domains

Premium users have more filtering and sorting options as well as exports
